Sound of Friday...

Friday, May 30, 2008


you are the world within the world that I exist
You are the touch that just wont fade
You are the end and beginning of each and every day
You are the reason I stay sane

It's hard to see beautiful
It's hard to see beautiful in your own eyes
But you make me beautiful for the very first time

Does anybody know what it's like
To feel larger than life
To look deep in your soul
And know you're not alone


Does anybody know how it feels
To find something that's real
And make it your own
That's when you know that you found home
You found home


And when the strings inside me unravel to the ground
You are the hand that gathers me up
And when I'm laughing so hard
That I can hardly breathe
How do you know just when enough's enough

Oh, it's hard to feel beautiful
Oh, it's hard to feel beautiful in your own skin
But you make me

You make me beautiful
Over and over again

[back to chorus]

Don't let me down
'Cause I've waited all my life
To find, yeah

[back to chorus]

I made it to loose more wight...

Thursday, May 29, 2008

thursday AfternooN>>>>Mari HiduP SehaT

ini adalah catatan kesuksesan gw dalam menjalankan diet..hmmm..(^_^) program gue adalah program yg paling gue suka sepanjangan trik menurunkan diet... program ini membebaskan gue untuk makan dan minum apa aja yg gue suka tapi tentu aja lah harus dengan proporsi yang pas alias jangan *'s simple way gals :

Juice wortel + apel + Tomat...

juice ini paling baik di minum setiap hari karena believe it or not selama loe tidur buah2 yg di blender ini membantu untuk melancarkan pencernaan di tubuh2 kita. sehingga pada saat loe bangun loe bakal merasakan perut loe serasa rata dan kosong...

trus better juga nieh kalo kalian mengkonsumsi
green tea/ocha/teh hijau sejam atau satu setengah jam setelah makan buat gue teh hijau membantu gue untuk menstabilkan selera makan gue dan juga membakar lemak2 dari makanan yang berlemak..of couse...teh hijau ini sebaiknya dikonsumsi 2 kali sehari saja. setelah makan siang dan makan malam.

dan yang paling penting adalah OLAH RAGA...i know..i know...kalian pada malas ye tuk olah raga but come may spend an hour to jogging, swimming or playing basketball soalnya selain bisa bikin badan lo fit juga bisa membuat otot2 loe yang stress and kaku menjadi lentur kembali...hehehe oh yaa.. pengalaman gue tuk PP via busway lumayan works. karena you know sebagai salah satu jembatan transit terpanjang saat ini...gerakan jalan cepat bisa membuat badan kita terlatih.

ok..gals, itu adalah resep singkat gue bagaimana menurunkan berat badan secara instan jadi masih bisa makan enak sambil menurunkan berat badan'kan...hehehe what about you? wanna try? good luck yah or ada reference lain'kah?please share it..(Ra)

*Lebay = berlebihan

kudapan di saat lapar...(bukan Promosi)

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

wednesday afternoon

"kriuk..kriuk" kayaknya perut gue dah menggebu2 tuk makan sesuap nasi tapi apa daya bo' jajanan di salah satu mal terbesar di asia tenggara ini menjajakan makanan yang sangat muuaaaahaaaalll(ruben onsu version)...but suddenly....smell somthing yg menggoda perut gue untuk tambah ngebet makan.

it's ROTIBOY..emang sih ni roti dah lama banget ada di jakarta but since I'm coffeeholic..gue seneng bgt bisa makan roti ini.. secara tastenya yang coffea bgt gak ada lagi pilihan lain yg bisa membingungkan gue untuk makan roti ini...apalagi kalo kita minumnya sambil ocha or teh hijau....maknyossss....buat kamu2 yg bosen banget ma J.CO ato Ringmaster. rotiboy bisa jadi pilihan yg pas buat nemenin waktu ngemil kamu....promosi bgt yah...but this is true..truly coffee..(Ra)

*available at MKG 3, ITC Kuningan, ITC Mangga dua, MTA dgtl (dan gak tau lagi).

ayam goreng sambal cabe hijau

that's my menu for lunch tau cara bikinnya gampang kok:

Bumbu ayam:
1. cabe merah+cabe putih secukupnya biasanya kalo ayamnya satu
cabe merahnya 5 bawang merahnya 20an(tergantung selera)--> di ulek
2. garam
3. daun salam + lengkuas
4. kunyit

sambal cabe hijau:
1. bawang merah+ bawang putih
2. cabe hijau 1/4
semua bumbu itu di ulek juga bu biar lebih mantap.

Bumbu penyedap:
1. gula
2. masako or royco (bukan sponsor)

how to do it:
1. taro ayam + bumbunya di penggorengan, tentu aja dicampur yaa bukan cuma di taro aja.
2. kasih garam setengah sendok teh
3. kasih air satu gelas aja sebagai perendam ayam
4. kita diamkan aja sampai asat(air di penggorengan hampir habis).
5. kalo udah asat baru deh mati-in kompornya.

untuk bumbu cabe hijaunya nih:
1. panaskan minyak secukupnya
2. masukan bumbu yg dah di ulek itu trus goreng deh.
3. kasih gula+ garam + penyedap (secukupnya)
4. kasih air matang setengah gelas. (supaya lebih pas ya sedikit aja bu, biar lebih meresap)
5. oseng-oseng aja sampai bumbunya agak berubah warna dan bumbunya dah mulai terasa setelah itu matikan.
6. goreng ayam di minyak yg panas tapi dengan api yg sedang aja bu, goreng sampai mencoklat angkat deh.
7. sajikan ayam goreng bersama sambal ceba hijau untuk makan siang dan makan malam anda

any further question...just call me okay..

----selamat mencoba----

demo..demo..(aspirasi ato menyusahkan)

hey ho...morning to you all...hari ini baru tau kalo kemaren sepanjang jalan sudirman arah thamrin blok M macet puanjaaang banget karena ada demo mahasiswa Unas di Polda Metro Jaya. Normalnya sewaktu gue keluar kantor jam setengah 5an kemacetan arus jalan tersebut blm sampe atmajaya but...yesterday..I believe was a crap.

tapi untung aja gue gak merasakan kemacetan ityuuu..yuhuuu...boleh aja sih demo yg katanya menuangkan aspirasi tapi kalo menyusahkan begini bukannya keterima aspirasinya malahan bakalan menyusahkan orang banyak. ya iya dong..kalo macet gitu otomatis bensin mobil atau motor akan berkurang dan bagi pengguna taksi tentu aja akan menyenangkan supir taxi karena argonya naik...yeah right!!

gue juga masih berjiwa muda bo' dukung juga sama para mahasiswa but harus tetap aman, damai dan rapi ok!dan yang paling penting JANGAN ANARKIS...(Ra)

oil crisis...demonstration>>typical Jakarta today

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

may 24..00:00 WIB

price of oil that subsidized by the government are increase. this is going to affect life of a small class society...
I'm totally concern to what happen now in Indonesia because I, my self feel that increase prices will make our revenue to be a bit less than our expense. we might not have so much expense in a month but if the amount in each expense are high then..what will happen to us in the future.

I don't really understand about political issue but I don't want to be uncared. because I'm living in this country and will forever will be the citizen of Indonesia. now US$ are increase for one reason that's okay because my office monthly use dollar but in other way make rupiah weak and will make stuff become expensive.

now there's young generation to express their mind and our society feeling through demonstration. I generally support it but demonstration must be done in peace and wise from both student and police. things that happen in Unas lately remind me of Trisakti 10 years ago. but thank GOD it doesn't spread to other university. what if it does happen? will "it" happen again...

Indonesia is sensitive right know...I wish the MAN know how to handle it..coz we CHOOSE YOU.
be thank to Us by welfare.(Ra)

What iNside of Me.... name is Resti Ariani, of course you know who I am...22 years old living in jakarta, I'm the second child of the family. My life have been great. I still have parents, Brother and Sister ( I was Lost once)....

I have lovable friends that rare to be around me, but that's okay. I know they will be there if I need them....or not.but one thing i know that I'm not all alone in walk this life on...I have GOD, Family, my man, my self and friends.

I'm working in mine company that waiting to be approve to be an employee...this is one of my dream since this company provide so much time for me to develop my self to be better one...

inside of me are not particularly will excite you up.:
- I'm not mean person, it means i don't like crime, I hate revenge and violence.
- I like to make people laugh... I wish when they are laugh they can release their stress and matter they have.
- I'm quite commit to the rule, it means I don't like to break the rule any other rule in this world specially religion, my home's rule, my man's rule, my office's rule and this country's rule... but I can break it sometimes when I already know how will it going to be...
- I'm very sensitive, it means I can easily feel touch and hurt...but in the other hand make me more patient
- I'm very quite...I don't like to talk much to people I haven't known before. I even less talk to everybody. but that doesn't mean I'm arrogant. (people who don't know me might say it so)
- I'm very loyal to love and friendship. I will do anything to make them stay together...
- I'm quite smart but lazy enough to learn more about something...
- I hate Math...but in the real life I like something that's for sure.
- I don't like animal...but I don't hate them. it's because I will be freaking if they getting close to me...they stinks...hate the smells.
- I love my hair....for me my hair is everything. but I'm bit sad coz my hair is getting thicker.
- I love my family...(of course)... even when they are not in the same thought with me..I care for them.
- I love, admire and respect my boyfriend...he's part of me in every single day.. in every aspect of life. He'll be there...he'll stand with me...(^_^) he's the most patient person I've ever known...
- I'm very spoil to my boyfriend...that's why he can balance me...I love for any reason....
- I'm a music, movie lover...most of my blog will share about it.
- I'm not a good writer...but I will write what I saw, I heard, I experienced and share it to you all...

this ain't job interview so don't have to know me that much...

what inside me doesn't that matter but what I had may be another reference for your life....

please enjoy my blog...glad to know you all...(^_^)

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