sate apa sate tuh....(worst restaurant)
Posted by restiariani Labels: Journal at 7:23 AM 0 comments
My Belated Greeting...wuups!!
Monday, June 16, 2008
yaw weiss..tuh'kan kamu sekarang ketiduran padahal ada kuliah jam 8 tapi kok sekarang masih bobo...bangun noh tayangku.....(Ra)
Posted by restiariani Labels: Journal at 5:19 AM 0 comments
wheRe you Lead Honey...
Friday, June 13, 2008
sepengGal lagu dari carole king menemani Gw dalam pekerjaan gUe it reminds me of someone I've always miss. yes, baby it's you...kangen deH sama kamU..i left you last night didn't I..sorry babe I was too sleepy to wait for you...but don't worry in the few days a head I'll be yours...
gw seneng banget perjalanan gue dan dia selalu di-iringi dengan sentuhan2 unik dan lucu sehingga buat kita saling merindukan satu sama lain...Alhamdulillah kita saling melengkapi dan mengimbangi sifat kita masing2..jadi, kalo gw ke kanank2an pasti dia yang jadi mature figurenya dan sebaliknya..itu adalah hal yang selalu gue syuKuri dalam menjalani hubungan gue dan dia...oleh karena itu,gue selalu kangen dia which is make our relationship getting better and more mature...(mature dari segi mana lagi??)
he always makes me mad and upset but makes me smile and laugh at the same time... he always considered everything which is not typically me... so every decision in my life has to be the meaning of this song everywhere he goes...I'll follow...because he worth to receive that....(Ra)
Posted by restiariani Labels: Hi-Light at 8:49 AM 0 comments
Save mOre Money ato naik GaJi???
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Posted by restiariani Labels: Hi-Light at 9:44 AM 0 comments
Letter to my friend..
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
dear My Friend,
I'm sad to learn now that you' re sad but please don't cry..don't be's not your fault to end up this way. the journey you've taken may become a great teacher in your life..there are several way that GOD create to make your life happier and this may become its way for you to make your life happier.
Happiness not only comes from a man, but it comes to you by touch of a parents, hug from a friend, paper of your work, food that you eat, music you listen and view that you enjoy..
I might not really know how you feel but I know you will strong to face the truth. you will able to maintain yourself to move on...don't ever look'n back only to look for your may look at the back for your life as a lesson to move on...
but whenever you need someone to share. I'll do all my best to help you.
Posted by restiariani Labels: Journal at 3:24 PM 0 comments
I'm counting down the days - Natalie Imbruglia-
Monday, June 2, 2008
can't believe it's June I'm starting to count the days..
dalam dua minggu keputusan akan di buat apakah akan ada perpanjangan waktu atau di sudahi saja sampai nanti... resah, gelisah, takut, cemas semua rasa itu menjadi sahabat gue dalam beberapa waktu ke depan.
ada kalanya timbul rasa optimis dalam diri, akan tetapi dalam waktu yang bersamaan juga tenggelam dalam rasa pesimis. gue hanya bisa menghitung dentangan waktu yang berjalan saat ini. tak tau kapan akan berhenti berdetak dan tak tahu kapan akan terus berjalan melengkapi waktu.
"I wanna travel through time..see a surprise..hold you so tight...I'm counting down the days"
paling tidak sepenggal bait lagu itu mengungkapkan betapa pada masa penantian ini gue sangat bahagia karena dalam sepiku, kamu selalu menemani ku...HAN...
gue hanya menjalani apa yang akan menjadi hal yang terbaik untuk gue...dan itu tak akan lama lagi...(Ra)
Posted by restiariani Labels: Hi-Light at 3:27 PM 0 comments