A little Hellow..

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Dear world,

Dah lama banget nih gak menyentuh blog kesayangan gw ini and somehow I miss lots of event and thought to share..so, I have to skip Important events such as General election, Jakarta's birthday,Indonesia's Independence day, review of Busaran event, review of some movies and also things happen around me lately.

whole recap will be given soon..don't worry! will tell you whole of it. sekarang adalah H-10 menjelang ulang tahun my soulmate..I wonder what kind of surprise will be appropriate for him..kasih kado apa yaa..well, he has everything yang di butuhkannya saat ini adalah doa untuk kemudahan segala urusan dia dan kami.

dah mulai kuliah lagi nih gw dan dia juga lagi padet2nya dan menjelang persiapan skripsinya kita di rundung berbagai masalah, but we know we can make it if we are together, and I love him more each day..gotta go!

see you soon,

..Life is Journey you can't left behind..


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